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- 9 Июн 2017
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Всем привет! У кого нибудь есть нормальный автобаланс для CSDM ?
#include < amxmodx >
#include < cstrike >
#pragma library csdm
forward csdm_PostDeath( killer, victim, headshot, const weapon[] );
forward csdm_PostSpawn( player, bool:fake );
new bool:g_bConnected[ 33 ];
new bool:g_bImmunity[ 33 ];
new CsTeams:g_iNewTeam[ 33 ];
new g_pCvar;
new g_iMaxClients;
new g_iMsgSayText;
new g_iMsgScreenFade;
new g_iPlayers;
public plugin_init( )
register_plugin( "CSDM Auto Balance", "1.0", "xPaw" );
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
2: Enabled, obey immunity
g_pCvar = register_cvar( "csdm_auto_balance", "1" );
g_iMsgScreenFade = get_user_msgid( "ScreenFade" );
g_iMsgSayText = get_user_msgid( "SayText" );
g_iMaxClients = get_maxplayers( );
public client_authorized( id )
g_bImmunity[ id ] = bool:( get_user_flags( id ) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY );
public client_putinserver( id )
g_bConnected[ id ] = true; // bool:!is_user_bot( id );
public client_disconnect( id )
g_iNewTeam[ id ] = CS_TEAM_UNASSIGNED;
g_bImmunity[ id ] = false;
g_bConnected[ id ] = false;
public csdm_PostDeath( iKiller, id, bHeadShot, const szWeapon[ ] )
if( g_iPlayers < 4 || iKiller == id || !g_bConnected[ id ] )
new iCvar = get_pcvar_num( g_pCvar );
if( !iCvar || ( iCvar == 2 && g_bImmunity[ id ] ) )
new iTerrorists, iCT;
for( new i = 1; i <= g_iMaxClients; i++ )
if( !g_bConnected[ i ] )
switch( cs_get_user_team( i ) )
case CS_TEAM_T : iTerrorists++;
case CS_TEAM_CT: iCT++;
new iDifference = iTerrorists - iCT;
if( iDifference && abs( iDifference ) > 1 )
g_iNewTeam[ id ] = iDifference > 0 ? CS_TEAM_T : CS_TEAM_CT;
public csdm_PostSpawn( id, bool:bFake )
new CsTeams:iNewTeam = g_iNewTeam[ id ];
if( iNewTeam != CS_TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
cs_set_user_team( id, iNewTeam );
new szName[ 32 ];
get_user_name( id, szName, 31 );
UTIL_GreenPrintAll( id, "^4[CSDM]^3 %s^1 has been transfered to^3 %s^1.", szName,
iNewTeam == CS_TEAM_T ? "Terrorists" : "Counter-Terrorists" );
UTIL_ScreenFade( id, iNewTeam == CS_TEAM_T ? 175 : 0, 0, iNewTeam == CS_TEAM_CT ? 175 : 0 );
set_hudmessage( 0, 127, 255, 0.42, 0.53, 2, 6.0, 4.0, 0.1, 0.2, -1 );
show_hudmessage( id, "You have been transfered to %s!", iNewTeam == CS_TEAM_T ? "Terrorists" : "Counter-Terrorists" );
g_iNewTeam[ id ] = CS_TEAM_UNASSIGNED;
UTIL_GreenPrintAll( const iSender, const Message[ ], any:... )
new szMessage[ 192 ];
vformat( szMessage, 191, Message, 3 );
message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, g_iMsgSayText );
write_byte( iSender );
write_string( szMessage );
message_end( );
UTIL_ScreenFade( const id, const iRed, const iGreen, const iBlue )
message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_iMsgScreenFade, _, id );
write_short( 2000 );
write_short( 2000 );
write_short( 0 );
write_byte( iRed );
write_byte( iGreen );
write_byte( iBlue );
write_byte( 175 );
message_end( );