- Регистрация
- 8 Дек 2018
- Сообщения
- 72
- Симпатии
- 10
- OS
- Linux
- Amx Mod X
- AMXX 1.10.0
- Билд
- ReHLDS version:
- ReGamedll
- ReGameDLL version:
- Metamod
- Metamod-r v1.3.0.128, API (5:13)
- Meta модули
Код:Currently loaded plugins:
description stat pend file vers src load unload
[ 1] SafeNameAndChat RUN - SafeNameAndChat.so v1.2 Beta 2 ini ANY ANY
[ 2] Reunion RUN - reunion_mm_i386.so v0.1.0.137 ini Start Never
[ 3] AMX Mod X RUN - amxmodx_mm_i386.so v1.10.0.5435 ini Start ANY
[ 4] ReSemiclip RUN - resemiclip_mm_i386.so v2.3.9 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 5] WHBlocker RUN - whblocker_mm_i386.so v1.5.697 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 6] MySQL RUN - mysql_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5435 pl3 ANY ANY
[ 7] ReAPI RUN - reapi_amxx_i386.so v5.21.0.252-dev pl3 ANY Never
[ 8] Hide Cvars RUN - hidecvars_amxx_i386.so v1.0 pl3 ANY ANY
[ 9] Engine RUN - engine_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5435 pl3 ANY ANY
[10] CStrike RUN - cstrike_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5435 pl3 ANY ANY
[11] FakeMeta RUN - fakemeta_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5435 pl3 ANY ANY
[12] Ham Sandwich RUN - hamsandwich_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5435 pl3 ANY ANY
12 plugins, 12 running
- Плагины
Код:[ 1] 0 Admin loader 1.0 Javekson admin_loade running
[ 2] 1 Element Bans 2.3 mIDnight element_ban running
[ 3] 2 Admin Commands Colored AMXX Dev Team admincmd.am running
[ 4] 3 Server AMXMODMENU [INI 1.0 Leo_[BH] amxmodmenu. running
[ 5] 4 Players Menu 1.7 neugomon players_men running
[ 6] 5 Plugins Controller 1.0 neygomon plugins_con stopped
[ 7] 6 NextMap AMXX Dev Team nextmap.amx running
[ 8] 7 Element Admin ESP 1.0 mIDnight ele_admines running
[ 9] 8 [ReAPI] Gag System 1.4 mIDnight re_gag_syst running
[ 10] 9 Chat Manager 1.1.2-16 Mistrick chatmanager running
[ 11] 10 Chat Manager: Addon 0.0.4-70 Mistrick chatmanager running
[ 12] 11 Std Admin Color Chat 1.1.1 Van der Cal std_admin_c running
[ 13] 12 Slay losers 1.0 mIDnight slay_losers running
[ 14] 13 [ReAPI] Weapon Restric 2.1 s1lent re_weapon_r running
[ 15] 14 Autoresponder/Advertis 0.5 MaximusBrood ad_manager. running
[ 16] 15 [ReAPI] No Team Flash 0.1 ReHLDS Team re_no_team_ running
[ 17] 16 [ReAPI] Reset Score 1.0 mIDnight re_resetsco running
[ 18] 17 Server info 1.2 mIDnight round_info. running
[ 19] 18 [ReAPI] Spawn Fix 1.0 mIDnight re_spawn_fi running
[ 20] 19 CSStatsX SQL 0.7.4+2 serfreeman1337 csstatsx_sq running
[ 21] 20 [ReAPI] StatsX 0.6 serfreeman1337/s aes_statsx_ running
[ 22] 21 [ReAPI] Auto join team 1.1 mIDnight re_auto_joi running
[ 23] 22 Task Scheduler 0.2 JustinHoMi task_schedu running
[ 24] 23 Spectator Bots 1.0 mIDnight spectator_b running
[ 25] 24 [ReAPI] VIP system 1.8 mIDnight re_vip.amxx running
[ 26] 25 C4 Timer 1.1 mIDnight c4_timer.am running
[ 27] 26 Say Admins 1.1 mIDnight admin_check running
[ 28] 27 [ReAPI:AMXX] Buy Nades 0.0.3a steelzorrr re_nades_li running
[ 29] 28 Demo recorder 1.0 mIDnight demo_record running
29plugins, 28 running
- Amxx Модули
Код:Currently loaded modules:
name version author status
MySQL AMX Mod X Dev Team running
ReAPI Asmodai & s1lent running
Hide Cvars 1.0 Eriurias running
Engine AMX Mod X Dev Team running
nVault AMX Mod X Dev Team running
CStrike AMX Mod X Dev Team running
FakeMeta AMX Mod X Dev Team running
Ham Sandwich AMX Mod X Dev Team running
RegEx AMX Mod X Dev Team running
9 modules
- Ошибка
Код:hostname "Server Public"
sv_password ""
sv_contact ""
mapchangecfgfile "server.cfg"
rcon_password ""
//Execute Configs
//exec banned.cfg
//exec listip.cfg
//exec game.cfg
exec reunion.cfg
exec warmup.cfg
exec cycles.cfg
// Logs & .cfg
log on // keep the server log
sv_logbans 0 // write logs to the log
sv_logecho 0 // show information from the server logs to the server console
sv_logfile 1 // write server logs to files
sv_log_onefile 0 // write logs to one file
mp_logdetail 0 // write to the damage log from: 0 - off; 1 - opponents; 2 - their own; 3 - and from the opponents and from their own.
mp_logmessages 0 // write to the log, chat messages from players
// MP cvars
mp_autokick 0 // Allow auto kicks for killing players of your team?
mp_c4timer 35 // time of the bomb timer
mp_autocrosshair 0 // enable auto-targeting
mp_fadetoblack 0 // Turn on the black screen after your death before the end of the round
mp_flashlight 0 // use flashlight
mp_forcechasecam 0 // Observation mode after death (0 - free, 1 - switch camera mode, 2 - view only from the eyes of the teammate)
mp_forcecamera 0 // Different camera modes in spectator mode (1 - On, 0 - Off)
mp_maxrounds 20 // the maximum number of rounds at which achievement the game on the card will be considered complete
mp_friendlyfire 0 // damage when firing at their own
mp_freezetime 0 // the player's inability to move at the beginning of the round in seconds
mp_hostagepenalty 0 // number of hostages killed before using the ban in the game
mp_limitteams 2 // maximum number of players exceeding one team over another
mp_playerid 0 // Controls the information that the player sees on the status bar: 0 - all names; 1 - only the names of the players of their team; 2 - without names.
mp_roundtime 2 // round time in minutes
mp_startmoney 850
mp_tkpunish 0 // application of sanctions for Tim Kil
mp_chattime 1 // The number of seconds that the server allows players to write to the general chat after the end of the card and before downloading the new one
mp_footsteps 1 // sounds of steps (when running)
mp_consistency 1
// SV Normal cvars
sv_aim 1
sv_cheats 0 // Allow game cheats on the server (example: noclip)
sv_weather 0 // Weather on server (1-on, 2-off)
sv_accelerate 5
sv_airaccelerate 10 // Mode of sliding on the walls of objects (used on surf_-maps)
sv_airmove 1 // Ability to move through the air during a jump
sv_clipmode 0
sv_restartround "0.15" // The amount of time in minutes before the restart of the game, including frags, weapons, money and glasses
sv_gravity 800 // Gravity in the game
sv_maxspeed 900 // Player's maximum speed
sv_wateraccelerate 10
sv_clienttrace 1
sv_waterfriction 1 // Friction of the player in the water
sv_friction "4" // Coefficient of friction in the game
sv_stepsize "18" // The length of a step in units
sv_stopspeed "75" // Minimum stopping speed on the surface
sv_timeout "60" // Time after which the player is disconnected from the server, if the required response was not received from it (in seconds)
sv_uploadmax 0.5
sv_filterban 1
sv_region 255 // In which region the server is located (3 - Europe, 255 - the whole world, standard)
sv_wateramp 0
// Server Optimization Cvars
hpk_maxsize 0.1
sv_filetransfercompression 0
host_framerate 0
sv_proxies 0
// Sv Fast-DL
sv_allowdownload "0"
sv_allowupload "0"
sv_downloadurl ""
sv_send_logos 0
sv_send_resources 0
sv_allow_dlfile 0
max_queries_sec "-1"
max_queries_sec_global "-1"
max_queries_window "-1"
//max_queries_sec 0
//max_queries_sec_global 0
//max_queries_window 60
sv_usercmd_custom_random_seed 0
// Sv Voice Communication
sv_voiceenable 0
sv_voicecodec voice_speex
sv_voicequality 3
// Sv Bandwidth Rates
// bandwidth rates
sv_unlag 1
sv_maxunlag 0.5
sv_unlagsamples 1
sv_unlagpush 0
sv_maxrate 100000
sv_minrate 30000
sv_maxupdaterate 102
sv_minupdaterate 30
sv_instancedbaseline 1
sv_enableoldqueries 1
// Some other commands
allow_spectators 1 // Enable / disable spectators 1/0
decalfrequency 60 // Time in seconds, through which players can spray their logos. 0 means no delay
edgefriction 2 // Set the frictional force between the player and the wall or other object
humans_join_team "any"
pausable 0 // Enable / disable players to pause the game using the pause command
// Base security configurations
sv_rcon_banpenalty 5 // Ban time in minutes for incorrect entering rcon password
sv_rcon_minfailures 1 // the number of attempts to enter rcon within the time given sv_rcon_minfailuretime, did not have time - ban
sv_rcon_maxfailures 1 // The number of attempts to enter the rcon password
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 0 // time in seconds, for the introduction of the correct rcon (for example, the first time was mistaken, the correct password can be entered in 30 seconds otherwise-ban)
// ReHLDS Engine Cmds
// ReHLDS Configuration File
echo "Executing ReHLDS Configuration File"
sv_auto_precache_sounds_in_models 0
sv_delayed_spray_upload 0
sv_echo_unknown_cmd 0
sv_rcon_condebug 1
sv_force_ent_intersection 0
sv_rehlds_force_dlmax 0
sv_rehlds_hull_centering 0
sv_rehlds_movecmdrate_avg_punish "-1"
sv_rehlds_movecmdrate_burst_punish "-1"
sv_rehlds_stringcmdrate_avg_punish "-1"
sv_rehlds_stringcmdrate_burst_punish "-1"
sv_rehlds_movecmdrate_max_avg "8000"
sv_rehlds_movecmdrate_max_burst "14000"
sv_rehlds_stringcmdrate_max_avg "1000"
sv_rehlds_stringcmdrate_max_burst "2800"
sv_rehlds_local_gametime "1"
Server getting randomly overflow on some players and they are getting kicked from server (Server not crashing)
I searched around to get rid of this issue and i only reduce it, but problems still is there
steps i do:
Hided cvars from monitoring services
Reduced part of plugins, also i try to disable plugin by plugin error was still there

I searched around to get rid of this issue and i only reduce it, but problems still is there
steps i do:
Hided cvars from monitoring services
Reduced part of plugins, also i try to disable plugin by plugin error was still there