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- 24 Фев 2019
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Hello... im looking for very simple STEAM PREFIX plugin...
i have this 2 one but they are with some bugs like S1 ; S2
ищу нормальную легкую STEAM PREFIX
эти два что то не работают, пищит S1 ; S2 вместо текста
PLEASE don`t advise me CHAT MANAGER, LITE TRANSLIT or some other giant plugins, i need very lil lite STEAM PREFIX
ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, не советуйте мне CHAT MANAGER, LITE TRANSLIT или некоторые другие гигантские плагины, мне нужно очень лёгкий и маленький STEAM PREFIX
i have this 2 one but they are with some bugs like S1 ; S2
ищу нормальную легкую STEAM PREFIX
эти два что то не работают, пищит S1 ; S2 вместо текста
#include <amxmodx>
#include <cstrike>
public plugin_init() {
register_plugin("Steam Prefix", "1.0", "Alienware")
register_message(get_user_msgid("SayText"), "setPrefix")
public setPrefix(msgId, msgDest, msgEnt) {
new id = get_msg_arg_int(1)
if(is_user_steam(id)) {
new szTmp[256], szTmp2[256]
get_msg_arg_string(2, szTmp, charsmax( szTmp ) )
new szPrefix[64] = "^x04[STEAM]"
if(!equal(szTmp, "#Cstrike_Chat_All")) {
add(szTmp2, charsmax(szTmp2), szPrefix)
add(szTmp2, charsmax(szTmp2), " ")
add(szTmp2, charsmax(szTmp2), szTmp)
} else {
add(szTmp2, charsmax(szTmp2), szPrefix)
add(szTmp2, charsmax(szTmp2), "^x03 %s1^x01: %s2")
set_msg_arg_string(2, szTmp2)
stock bool:is_user_steam(id) {
static dp_pointer
if(dp_pointer || (dp_pointer = get_cvar_pointer("dp_r_id_provider"))) {
server_cmd("dp_clientinfo %d", id)
return (get_pcvar_num(dp_pointer) == 2) ? true : false
return false
* Currently the plugin could add tag to Steam players only
* Credits:
* - kroshk4 for plugin 'VipMenu'
* - serfreeman1337 for plugin 'Top SayPrefix'
* - Lev for dproto & plugin 'UpdateHint'
* SayText standard message structure for player chat:
* MSG_ONE, 4 arguments
* Arg 1 (Byte "1")
* Arg 2 (String "#Cstrike_Chat_<>")
* Arg 3 (String "")
* Arg 4 (String "<text>^n")
#include <amxmodx>
#tryinclude <updatehint>
#define PLUGIN "Say Prefix"
#define VERSION "0.93"
#define AUTHOR "Safety1st"
// customizable parameters
new const STEAM_PREFIX[] = "^4[STEAM]^1"
// end of customizable parameters
// macro; %1 - variable being modified, %2 - player id
#define CheckFlag(%1,%2) (%1 & (1 << (%2 & 31)))
#define SetFlag(%1,%2) (%1 |= (1 << (%2 & 31)))
#define ClearFlag(%1,%2) (%1 &= ~(1 << (%2 & 31)))
new gbIsSteam
new giMaxPlayers
#if !defined _updatehint_included
/* plugin 'Update Client Hint' ( is not used.
we should get player auth by ourselves. */
new pDprotoProvider
#define DP_AUTH_STEAM 2 // native Steam
public plugin_init() {
register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR )
register_message( get_user_msgid("SayText"), "Msg_SayText" )
giMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers()
#if !defined _updatehint_included
pDprotoProvider = get_cvar_pointer( "dp_r_id_provider" ) // dproto interface
public client_putinserver(id) {
is_user_steam(id) ? SetFlag( gbIsSteam, id ) : ClearFlag( gbIsSteam, id )
public Msg_SayText( msgid, dest, receiver ) {
// remember: we care about standard game chat messages only!
if( dest != MSG_ONE )
// ignore any other messages; for example '#Cstrike_Name_Change' that is sent as MSG_BROADCAST
#define ARG_SENDERID 1
#define STD_MSG_ARGS_NUM 4
new id = get_msg_arg_int(ARG_SENDERID)
if( !id || id > giMaxPlayers )
if( !CheckFlag( gbIsSteam, id ) )
// nothing to worry about
new paramsCount = get_msg_args()
if( paramsCount != STD_MSG_ARGS_NUM ) {
/* generally SayText usermsg could have any number of arguments;
ignore all MSG_ONE messages that are definitely not a standard chat ones */
#define REQ_SIZE 64 // ARG_MAIN_STRING size
/* Minimum size is sizeof STEAM_PREFIX + 21 (the longest #Cstrike_Chat_<> string) + 1 (space between them).
Maximum one is limited by user message size - 192 bytes for whole message.
I decided not to take into account 3rd party tags and possible double-byte character truncating */
// checking cache
static msgLastId, Float:msgLastTime, msgHolder[ REQ_SIZE ]
if( msgLastId == id && msgLastTime == get_gametime() ) {
// we are not cache get_gametime() value because assuming it mostly used one time
set_msg_arg_string( ARG_MAIN_STRING, msgHolder )
static const szChatAll[] = "#Cstrike_Chat_All"
static szMsg[REQ_SIZE], szNewMsg[REQ_SIZE]
get_msg_arg_string( ARG_MAIN_STRING, szMsg, charsmax(szMsg) )
if( !strcmp( szMsg, szChatAll ) ) {
// create template entirely because original one is unusable due to STX symbol
// formatex is not suitable here because of %s parameters intended for processing by the game
copy( szNewMsg, charsmax(szNewMsg), STEAM_PREFIX )
add( szNewMsg, charsmax(szNewMsg), " ^3%s1^1 : %s2" )
formatex( szNewMsg, charsmax(szNewMsg), "%s %s", STEAM_PREFIX, szMsg )
set_msg_arg_string( ARG_MAIN_STRING, szNewMsg )
// save to cache
msgLastId = id
msgLastTime = get_gametime()
copy( msgHolder, charsmax(msgHolder), szNewMsg )
#if !defined _updatehint_included
is_user_steam(id) {
if ( !pDprotoProvider )
return 0
if( is_user_bot(id) || is_user_hltv(id) )
return 0
server_cmd( "dp_clientinfo %d", id )
return get_pcvar_num( pDprotoProvider ) == DP_AUTH_STEAM ? 1 : 0
PLEASE don`t advise me CHAT MANAGER, LITE TRANSLIT or some other giant plugins, i need very lil lite STEAM PREFIX
ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, не советуйте мне CHAT MANAGER, LITE TRANSLIT или некоторые другие гигантские плагины, мне нужно очень лёгкий и маленький STEAM PREFIX